
Super Shoulders- Handstand PushUps

If you truly want to build big shoulders then you will have to add handstand push-ups to your arsenal. There is a reason why Olympic gymnasts have killer delts. 

Handstand push ups are an advanced level exercise but can be modified to accommodate novice or intermediate lifters. 

The easiest way to do handstand push ups is to prop yourself up against the wall [as a spot] eventually you'll want to increase your range of motion by placing your hands on boxes and lower your head between them. This is the ultimate pressing exercise and should be included for some massive shoulder development and full body strength and athleticism.

Patience is a must.


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The Best Running Shoes for Men Men's Health Magazine

The Twice a Week Training Program T-Nation

Report: Melky Cabrera Lies....Again MLB Big League Stew

7 At Work Power Foods Livestrong

Top 40 Workout Songs for Summer Shape.com

Fat for Fitness Oxygen Magazine

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