
Brash Essentials: Exercise Progressions

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results -Albert Einstein

Once you have a handle on the basic movements i.e. push ups, squats, lunges, pullups and the plank it's time to take those moves to the next level.  My job as a Fitness Professional and coach is to push my clients to that next level.  When you start training, you come in with a set of goals that you wish to achieve, it is my focus to help you hit those goals while helping you set new goals, more challenging goals. [Read about setting goals here]

If your goal is to run a marathon, get that elusive six pack, bench press 300 lbs or keep up with those 20 year old's at the pick up basketball game you need to progress your training.  Never stay stagnant!  

Using the five basic movements I listed above I will show you just how you can use practical progressions to seriously amp up your workouts.

The basic push up is done on the toes and I always encourage my clients even if they can only do 1 or 2 in that position to start on the toes before regressing to the bent knee position.


Balance $57 Million

Angry consumers who sued Power Balance, the company that makes those hologram-plastered athletic bracelets, will soon be winning a whopping $57 million settlement from the company, reports TMZ.
The famous bracelets shot to popularity a few years ago and were soon spotted on the wrists of various celebs and pro-athletes. Costing about $30, the silicone jewelry featured a thin polyester film hologram that purportedly "enhanced the body's natural energy" and promoted balance in a design that was supposed to mimic Eastern philosophies.
The claims seemed dubious from the get-go, even as California-based Power Balance began to swell in size and income. The trouble started for the company back in January, when disappointed consumers first filed a federal lawsuit claiming the bracelets packed no more power than a rubber band. Josh Rodarmel, 28, and his brother Troy, who founded the company, were forced to release a statement acknowledging that the bracelets' alleged magical power had no ground in science:

Good Feelin

Flo Rida- Good Feelin [Official]



It really does.
Yesterday I dropped a bombshell on you when I proclaimed in two words, the exact same words in the graphic above, EXERCISE WORKS. [Brash Essentials: Training Principles]  I know it might seem far fetched, and you may think I'm stretching the truth a little bit [or a lot] but really [like my nephew says] it works.  

It might be easy for me to say because I've been doing it for a long time and I truly enjoy it but consider this: Study's show that an increase in physical activ....blah, blah, blah.  You've heard all this before.  You know exercise is great for you.  We can count the hundreds of reasons why we all should be exercising on a regular basis.  So I won't do it [today].  

I wanted to share with you actual results from a client of mine to prove to you that this wild proclamation indeed has some weight behind it. 

Quickly as a side note 'Exercise Works' is an actual quote I have adopted from my client.

Here we go.  


Brash Essentials: Training Principles

Excuse me while I blow your freakin' mind....exercise works and it doesn't have to be complicated. Mind blown!

Over the next few weeks I will break down my training principles for you step by step.  Starting with a breakdown of movements to exercise progressions, conditioning, favourite tools + exercises and of course how to put it all together.  

So, to start it all off let's talk about movements.  My training style is very simple folks, I perform movements that are pushing and pulling, hip and knee dominant,  plus anti- rotational and rotational core work.  

Now, to break it down further the pushing and pulling movements are broken down into two more categories: vertical pushes and pulls and horizontal pushes and pulls.  

Here are some examples:


Help Wanted: Gym Assistant

Leading Candidate

I should change the title to HELP WANTED: HOT GYM ASSISTANT.

I came across an ad on Craigslist posted by a guy in Vancouver looking for a female gym assistant. What is a female gym assistant? Probably not what you're thinking.  The position calls for a 17-23 yr old female to work 10 hrs minimum per week [on call] to assist an 18 yr old male while he is working out.  How so?  Fill his water bottle, pass him his water bottle, wipe his brow before sweat gets in his eyes and possibly put his weights away if he's too tired to do it himself.  Qualifications? Of course.  Can keep mouth shut, no cell phones [too distracting!], Fit body [obviously!].  This guy means business he's a tough boss for sure, cause if you come to work in anything but the required Sports bra and booty shorts you will be terminated on the spot.  

Candidate #2

Training is hard work, it takes a lot of focus and motivation, especially when you're doing it on your own.  Hiring an assistant might not be a bad decision, although a 'hot' female assistant might not keep you focused for too long.  I've been doing most of my training on my own maybe I should be looking into hiring my own gym assistant....maybe GYM ASSISTANT [GTA] MUST BE HOT AND ABLE TO SPOT.  Anyone interested msg me by email or on Facebook

Continue reading to check out the original posting...


Try The Tug Toner

The shake weight was a game changer in the sexually suggestive fitness device world. Since it's arrival on the scene, we've been graced with it's presence alongside other devices such as the Free Flexor (don't forget to cup the ball).  You can check out their infomercials [here]

Latenight host Jimmy Kimmel really hit the nail on the head when he took these products to spoof school. I think the workout you get from laughing would actually trump any physical exertion you would get from the product itself. Ladies and gentlemen, the Tug Toner.


Awesome Excuses 1.0

The caption on that image says no excuses - ever! however, there are always excuses - always!  I've heard 'em all 'I'm tired', 'my back was sore', 'It's too hard', 'It's too early', 'It's too late', 'It's too far', 'I had to do ________', 'I went ________'.  No one ever cancels other plans to get a workout in....why is that?  


I make mental notes of everything [it's one of my many skills- be careful what you say to me!!] The list I've compiled is practically now a book full of excuses, thanks also to trainer friends/ acquaintances of mine.  Monthly I will post my absolute favourites- I won't post names...or should I? Maybe you've used them before, [shame] at the very least maybe they'll inspire you....how? That's up to you.  

Oh, and there are no prizes for having your excuses used - there are no winners, only.....non winners! 

As ridiculous as some of these may sound, I assure you they are 1000% legit.  
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