Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results -Albert Einstein
Once you have a handle on the basic movements i.e. push ups, squats, lunges, pullups and the plank it's time to take those moves to the next level. My job as a Fitness Professional and coach is to push my clients to that next level. When you start training, you come in with a set of goals that you wish to achieve, it is my focus to help you hit those goals while helping you set new goals, more challenging goals. [Read about setting goals here]
If your goal is to run a marathon, get that elusive six pack, bench press 300 lbs or keep up with those 20 year old's at the pick up basketball game you need to progress your training. Never stay stagnant!
Using the five basic movements I listed above I will show you just how you can use practical progressions to seriously amp up your workouts.
The basic push up is done on the toes and I always encourage my clients even if they can only do 1 or 2 in that position to start on the toes before regressing to the bent knee position.