
Show Off in 2012

The new year is right around the corner- 'tis the season to make some changes, fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la.  Right about now, millions of people around the world are planning their new year resolutions.  Don't bother.  I've made my share of resolutions and never even attempted one of them.  Instead of making a new years resolution how about setting out a few tangible goals for yourself?  Because the number one resolution is based on personal health and fitness and because this is a fitness blog we'll focus on fitness related goals.  

I outlined the importance of setting goals and the three different types of goals you should set in this previous blog [Gooooal!]

Your challenge:  Clearly define your Outcome, Behavioral and Performance Goals.  Write them down and share them with someone you trust.  The point of this exercise is to make sure you're being held accountable.   

Together we're going to make 2012 the Year to Show Off.  Set some realistic goals and stick to them.  If after 2 weeks you haven't noticed a physical change don't worry- IT'S ONLY BEEN 2 WEEKS!  

Stay Motivated.  If you've fallen off the exercise wagon before, there's a pretty good chance you were doing it for the wrong reasons.  "My boyfriend says I should lose five pounds"; "My doctor keeps bugging me about it"- those reasons have little to do with you.  Working out to make others happy is the least successful way to compel yourself to get fit.  The more you do stuff you like to do instead of what you think you should do, the more you'll keep doing it.  Intrinsically motivated exercisers are more likely to continue working out for 6 months or more than those who are nagged by their friends or family.  

Take charge of your fitness decisions.  Don't let well-meaning friends force you into another gym membership you won't use.  Start off with asking yourself why you want to exercise.  If the answer is that your husband casually dropped the word 'muffin top' as you were jeans shopping, chances are, your workout efforts are doomed.  But if you want to get fit to help yourself feel stronger and healthier, you're more likely to succeed, because the end result means something to you.

Next, find a variety of exercise you enjoy.  If you're invested in what you're doing, your performance will improve- which will feed your desire to go back for more.  Set some performance goals, it can help you stay motivated both for the short term and the long.  Physical accomplishments give you positive feelings about yourself and increase your motivation because they're intrinsic; looking for validation via external motivators, like the scale you've got parked in your bathroom, does not.

Always give yourself props for progress.  Nothing kills your motivation faster than feeling like you're not making any noticeable improvement and putting yourself down about it.  Stay out of your comfort zone.  Once you master a new skill, like holding a plank position for 60 seconds, don't just stick with it because you know you can do it.  It impedes progress and breeds big time boredom.  The less interesting something is, the less motivated you will be to do it.  Humans have a basic need to feel engaged, take away the novelty, and motivation vanishes. Monotony isn't just bad for your head; eventually your muscles stop responding and you really hit a wall.  Push yourself and mix things up.  Change the intensity and types of exercises, and you'll start to see improvements more quickly.  

Make it social.  Think of going to your workout like going to happy hour without the martini's, salty snacks and sitting around gossiping.  Find some like minded workout buddies, the group provides built in support and it's more fun than working out alone.  

Last but certainly not least- BRAG.  Show Off.  If to no one but yourself, so be it.  You've earned the right to give yourself some love.  Make 2012 your best year ever.

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