Why the name Brash?
Honestly, it's just a name I've been using since college. Everything is Brash. Brash Entertainment, Brash Since '82, Brash Fitness and Conditioning and now the Brash Life Society. I believe the word Brash fits me very well. Well my definition at least. *See About BRASH* I'm a very competitive person, to a fault some may say. Doesn't matter if I'm playing a sport, taking a test, participating in a workshop, playing a board game, I want to be the best, I want to win. But I'm never cocky or arrogant, those are traits I despise in people. I believe arrogance is a result of low self confidence, and that's not me.
What's Your Training Like?
I do some form of physical activity everyday. My training regime changes frequently but I try to get at least 3 resistance training workouts and two conditioning sessions every week. I do mobility and flexibility work everyday along with a long walk a few times per week.
On top of that I love to play sports [ball hockey, soccer, softball and basketball] not been very active in those areas as of late, but trying to get out there.
What's Your Favourite Strength Training Exercise?
That's a tough one. In high school I'd say the bench press without hesitation. I love to train legs so squats are up there but my favourite would have to be pullups or some variation of. Chin ups, wide grip, neutral, inverted, weighted! So many options.
What Do You Do For Conditioning?
I just recently included Hill Sprints and other hill training [I encourage everyone to go out and find a hill and do some hill sprints- after you finish reading this of course]. But my number one choice would have to be the burpee. Get's your heart rate up, plus it hits your legs and upper body for a total body blast.
What's Your Favourite Healthy Meal?
I'm going to say a spinach salad, with avocado, tuna, chopped walnuts, red onion, yellow bell peppers, some extra virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar.
What's Your Favourite Cheat Meal?
You'd be assuming I had cheat meals! You assumed right. Pizza? Pizza is my all time favourite meal period. And I challenge anyone to make a better pizza than me. I hit it gourmet style. I will be sure to post some recipes in the future with pictures. I also eat birthday cake. It's a superstition. So if you invite me to your birthday expect that I will be having a slice of cake. That means you're safe.
Do You Drink?
Water yes, alcohol no. I would have 1 drink maybe on a night out but I've stopped that altogether.
What Kind of Music Do You Listen To?
Is everything an answer? I enjoy all types of music. My favourites are 2Pac and Nirvana. I hold Tupac Shakur and Kurt Cobain in pretty high regard. I love old school hip hop, 80's pop and rock and the garbage of today. Some of my other favourites are: Guns N Roses, U2, Bon Jovi, The Notorious B.I.G, Nas, Michael Jackson, Britney Spears [oops!].

What Are Your Favourite Movies?
American History X
Fight Club
Anything by Adam Sandler [well not exactly, but I love his stuff]
What Are Your Favourite Sports Teams?
Hockey: The Pittsburgh Penguins [huge Mario Lemieux fan]
Soccer: SCC Napoli, Portuguese and Italian National Teams [yes I can cheer for both]
Baseball: Toronto Blue Jays
Basketball: Toronto Raptors
Who Are Your Favourite Athletes?
Mario Lemieux, David Beckham, Georges St. Peirre, Cal Ripken Jr.
[BLS Memeber]